God Sighting
I’m sure it happens daily
And I just now became aware
Our sight too often blurred,
Yet surely, God comes
And we see him, though
We may not know
Even then if vaguely
I see the minister before me
Holding out himself must be
The Lord himself in other form
And when I take the host
Consume the transformed bread
Perhaps I realize that in his stead
Stands you,
Or in the grocery line
The man who says
I’ve only one, take my place
Or driver waves me through
I realize it’s you once more
Perhaps you are the one in need
I nearly passed you by
But suddenly I turn and offer aid
Or just a smile, a word, a hand
Not thinking of beatitude
Again, it may be me who acts
And offers others sighting
If I assume the role held out
No doubt it is God there
One may compare an act to prayer
Inviting all to see dear Lord, you.
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